12 May 2016, The Tablet

Brompton provost backs Brexit as a vote for ‘greatness and freedom’

THE PROVOST of the Brompton Oratory, Fr Julian Large, has called for Britain to leave the European Union, writes Liz Dodd.

In a series of messages on Facebook Fr Large said that Britain would be stronger outside Europe. “[President] Hollande, [former prime minister] Blair, [President] Obama and both of the Clintons are all urging us to vote to remain in the EU. Do we really need much more encouragement to help us to make up our minds to vote for freedom?”

He added that Britain should not underestimate its potential for greatness: “Unfettered, we can fly . . . We shall be stronger allies in the struggle for freedom out than in.”

Cardinal Vincent Nichols favours Britain remaining in the European Union, telling journalists recently that there was a great tradition within Christianity of holding things together. He warned that Britain would face more problems if it left the EU.

Pope Francis indicated through his foreign minister, Archbishop Paul Gallagher, that he is in favour of Britain remaining in the EU.

Fr Large also criticised the Pope for intervening in politics. Referring to comments Francis made about Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump’s faith on the return flight from Mexico, he said: “When men of the cloth get involved in politics it’s usually counter-productive. Look at the boost my CEO inadvertently gave to the Trump campaign in that interview on the plane.”

Fr Large was not available for comment.  

Meanwhile the Maranatha Community, a multi-denominational Christian organisation, has announced that it will hold a prayer gathering ahead of the EU referendum.

The Community, which said it was not advocating a vote in any particular direction, said the gathering would take place on Monday 13 June, just over a week before the vote, between 7pm and 9pm at the Emmanuel Centre in West­minster, London.

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