31 July 2015, The Tablet

Encounter with holiness

Francis McDonagh’s remembrance of Dom Helder Camara (The Tablet, 18 July) brought back memories of the time I heard him speak here is California. Until that day, I had never heard his name, let alone known his influence or holiness. My friend said I should go with him, and so I went. The archbishop was late in arriving, so the audience was amiably chatting away when the side door to the bare stage opened and he entered quickly. His personality was charismatic; we all stopped what we were doing and rose applauding.

When he spoke, he touched our hearts with his simplicity and transparency. Still a seminarian, I knew nothing about the Church in Brazil, nor was I much versed in international politics; most what he said was an education for me. His English was not very advanced but this did not matter; we all understood his message and saw hope shining from his eyes. He talked gently even about his detractors, having a smiling twinkle in his eye. One thing was certain: we had met a holy man that night.
Mgr Mike Heher, St Anne Church, Seal Beach, California, USA

Resistance, hope and healing

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