18 December 2015, The Tablet

LETTERS EXTRA: General absolution; Carmody Grey causes a stir; church closures; and the art of subscription cancelling

Every week we get a sackful of letters on a range of subjects from church matters to global news issues. It is true that there are a small minority that are unpublishable, but the rest deserve a light shone on them. Unfortunately, it is impossible to publish all these great missives in the newspaper. But those that don't make it into the newspaper have found a (very popular) home online. Here are the offerings from this week's postbag that we would have happily published were it not for the rather limiting nature of print.     NO ROCKET SCIENCE ON GENERAL ABSOLUTION How opportune, wise and refreshing, in this season of "peace on earth and mercy mild, God and sinners reconciled" to read Bishop Crispian Hollis appealing yet again to his brother bishops to grant perm
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