02 June 2016, The Tablet

Rest for the restless

by Brian Pinter

Retreats and Pilgrimages


In a supercharged world, apprehension fills our  lives, but there are ways of combating our fears and tensions, as Brian Pinter explains

Young adulthood is marked by an exhilarating yet tormenting sense of restlessness. The longing to find a career that brings fulfilment, a place to call home or a partner who is a soulmate can feel overwhelming. The Christian spiritual tradition has recognised that this restlessness is a sacred energy, God’s fire within pushing each of us to want to drink up every drop of life. Ultimately, these drives can never be fully satisfied on this side of Heaven. However, this timeless wisdom has been pushed aside in a culture that creates the illusion that with enough money, enough success, enough fame, one can feel completely fulfilled. At Christ Church Methodist church in New York City, we have created a weekend retreat for young adults that names and explores these holy longings. Through group sharing, periods of solitude, ritual and gathering around the eucharistic table, we discern how we might together bring our restlessness home and let it be a blessing.

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