07 November 2014, The Tablet

Synod must ask gay Catholics how God works in their lives

“Where true love is dwelling, God is dwelling there, love’s own loving presence, love does ever share.” This is true for all of us, homosexuals and divorced and remarried Catholics included. To get a clear understanding in how this is so, our synod members need to study the huge input over recent years y theologians, scripture scholars, psychologists and so on, on the subject of sexuality and in particular, homosexuality.

To state the obvious, they should have an open dialogue with homosexuals who give witness to this in their lives. The conclusions synod members will come to will then be based on reality and the most up-to-date understanding of the subject; not, I suspect, on a theology most of them will have learnt a very long time ago.
Fr David Crabb, retired priest in the diocese of Brentwood

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