27 November 2015, The Tablet

Why can't we see violence breeds violence?

Dear Sisters and Brothers, surely the time has come for us to stop the cycle of violence!

Surely we can see the obvious...Violence breeds Violence!

How long more before we agree that expressing our anger through violent retaliation doesn't work?

Many throughout the world are expressing their solidarity with the French people since the tragedy in Paris. Compassion is being shared. There is hope!

However maybe it is also important that we notice any traces of violence in our hearts at a time like this. Don't we tend to gather strength when we have a common enemy? Let us be conscious of this strength! Is there any element of destructive energy in it? Or can we open to the possibility of being creative and healing with it?

This is clearly not a time for violence or for silence!

I appeal to all Muslim Faith leaders, to the leaders of all Faiths, the leaders of all nations, to people of no particular faith who hold good will, peace and the care of one another and the planet as a high priority, to all people who hold Gandhi's philosophy of non violent resistance dear, to join together with one voice and say:

" Enough, no more... this is NOT the way!"

Faith leaders we urge you to speak out in order to denounce the use of God to justify violence!

For people of faith surely our shared Divine Source is NOT the source of violence and destruction but of Love, Light, Sisterhood, Brotherhood, Forgiveness, the source of reverence and the protection of Life?

Aelie Symons, Stevenage, Herts

Resistance, hope and healing

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