28 October 2015, The Tablet

Original sin rather limited

I find Michael J Walsh's interpretation of the concept of Original Sin rather limited, not least in his dismissal of it as a 'myth', using myth to mean something which has no truth value, rather than that which underpins all language, and which is endlessly open to reinterpretation.

[Many people still describe themselves as 'living in limbo' even if they may have forgotten or never known its origins.]

Although I had not known that the concept was 'invented ' by Augustine, I concluded some years ago that Original Sin could be interpreted as destructive envy, even before I knew that Augustine found envy in the face of the baby. Something to be overcome throughout life.

One has to address meaning, not some ideal of an objective correlative pre-existing language.

Jacqueline Castles, London W2

Resistance, hope and healing

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