28 October 2015, The Tablet

The Eucharist and mixed marriages

'Whilst Archbishop Longley was restating the rules that only allow a non–Catholic partner in a mixed marriage (17 October page 33) it was disappointing that he supported not extending the restricted circumstances in which this is allowed.  

Archbishop Koch is reported in the same issue  (page 29) as calling on the Pope to emphasise the Eucharist as ‘a celebration of forgiveness’. Marriage is a  prime area for Christians to ask for and extend forgiveness. It’s where they try to practice Our Lord’s prayer and experience mercy.

Evangelii Gaudium quotes the French bishops teaching on the contribution of marriage to society as stemming from ‘the depth of the obligation assumed by the spouses who accept to enter a total communion of life’ (Paragraph 66).

Earlier, ‘Evangelization with joy becomes  beauty in the liturgy, as part of our daily concerns to spread goodness’ (Paragraph 24).

Could not a Catholic receiving communion be accompanied by her or his spouse and if receiving communion in the hand be given two hosts and s/he be the one to give it to the non-catholic, or hand the chalice to him or her, they being one body,‘ in a total communion of life’.

A synod is a time to ask the Holy Spirit to help the Church penetrate the mystery spoken of in Ephesians 5 and to find ways to express it, with joy and beauty, in our lives.' 

Harold Mozley, York

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