16 October 2015, The Tablet

Shocked at Theresa May

Dear Editor

I am shocked that Theresa May is promising on the crackdown on asylum cheats now as if she was appointed Home Secretary.

She has been the Home Secretary since 2010 and yet nothing changed under her leadership if not for the worst.

Statistics have proved that she has failed dismally to reduce immigration and kick out failed asylum seekers. She is treading on a dangerous political path and her failure to sort out things will prove to the electorate her inability to be an effective leader.

Asylum is complex and she cannot control what happens to countries where asylum seekers are coming from. If she is a tough leader how can she give temporary asylum to asylum cheats? This clearly show weaknesses in her bid to sort out the asylum mess.

She remember that John Reid was talked tough on immigration and failed to sort it out. I am disappointed again that some refugees are called, ‘’ bogus refugees’’.  Refugees are people who have gone through the Home Office interview through immigration courts to be recognised as refugees and therefore nothing should be called bogus refugees.

Theresa May should not promise on crackdown on asylum cheats now but she should concentrate on actually sorting the immigration chaos that she failed to sort out for the past five years.

She may try to change the asylum laws but she is just a drop in an ocean and cannot do it overnight. She need support of other countries to do so.

Handsen Chikowore, London SW2

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