19 August 2015, The Tablet

Those being told how to receive Communion should be aware of Church teaching

Anyone being required to kneel, or receive Communion on the tongue should be aware of what official documents have to say on the subject. Each of these is in the context of recipients being in state of grace, fulfilling fasting requirements, etc.

Canon Law, 912: Any baptized person not prohibited by law can and must be admitted to Holy Communion.

Catechism of the Catholic Church, 1417: The Church warmly recommends that the faithful receive Holy Communion each time they participate in the celebration of the Eucharist.

Instruction Redemptionis Sacramentum, 90: “The faithful should receive Communion kneeling or standing, as the Conference of Bishops will have determined”, with its acts having received the recognitio of the Apostolic See. “However, if they receive Communion standing, it is recommended that they give due reverence before the reception of the Sacrament, as set forth in the same norms”

Also the choice of Communion in the hand or on the tongue is the recipient’s choice not that of the priest or minister.

Ann Lardeur, Chaldon, Surrey

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