Tablet 175
The Tablet: 1840-2015
This year marks 175 years since The Tablet published its first edition. The Tablet, now under its seventh editor and its first woman editor, has covered 12 conclaves and two papal visits to Britain. To mark this important anniversary, we’ve planned an exciting programme of events beginning in May.
Join us in celebrating the 175th anniversary of The Tablet.
Information on how to apply for tickets for the events will appear in The Tablet’s print edition and there will also be regular updates on this page.
Follow us on Twitter, Facebook or Pinterest, #tablet175
Bible Society is proud to sponsor The Tablet's 175th anniversary year programme of events.
Programme of events
November 2015
Throughout 2015
The Tablet will be awarding bursaries on a competitive basis to current university postgraduates.
A series of awards will also be made by The Tablet on a competitive basis to parishes, individuals or organisations for excellence in pastoral action in areas influenced by Catholic Social Teaching and initiatives in development and justice and peace.
More information about the anniversary programme including administrative and ticketing arrangements will appear in the journal and on its website in due course. As appropriate there will also be information on social media, in specialist journals, and in the local press.
For more information or to receive email updates