20 June 2023, The Tablet

A story that will not go away: Theological thoughts on resilience amid the experience of Covid-19 in care homes

by Pia Matthews , Siân Davies

Resources for Ministry

A story that will not go away: Theological thoughts on  resilience amid the experience of Covid-19 in care homes

Siân Davies and Pia Matthews conducted research into the impact of the pandemic on care homes. Here they write about their findings, including the importance of hesed – steadfast love.

We have plenty of things to worry about now, from war to finance, fuel bills and rising food prices. Covid-19 now seems a long way down the anxiety list. Many people are no longer concerned about catching Covid and most do not think that they will become seriously ill from it. Measures to prevent the infection spreading, from mask wearing to social distancing, are becoming memories. The UK Covid-19 Inquiry has begun, but it remains to be seen how many people will have the stomach to revisit what for many people was a traumatic event. While for some the time perhaps is still too raw, for others telling their story helps them to process events. During 2022, we completed a research project into the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on care homes. However, finding a language that can express the profundity of the impact of Covid for our survey proved difficult. This is why we have turned to theology to go beyond simple observations. Theology has a depth of language that goes beyond the normal and so is truly fitting for an unprecedented event. Although our survey did not ask specifically religious questions, our observations have theological resonances. To frame the experiences we heard about in our survey we talk about responsibility for the other, theological hope, accompaniment, solidarity and hesed, steadfast love.


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