18 December 2017, The Tablet

US Archbishop criticises Senator Tim Kaine for 'pro-choice rhetoric'

'Tim Kaine.. is another example of a politician who flaunted his Catholic background but spewed a lot of pro-choice rhetoric'

US Archbishop criticises Senator Tim Kaine for 'pro-choice rhetoric'

In an interview with Catholic World Report, Archbishop Joseph Naumann, Chair-elect of the Pro-Life Activities Committee of the US bishops’ conference, criticised Virginia Senator Tim Kaine, and Hillary Clinton’s running mate, for his “pro-choice rhetoric” during last year’s campaign. Kaine responded with an op-ed in the National Catholic Reporter, inviting the archbishop to discuss the issue directly with him and noting that the archbishop himself called for “dialogue.”

“Tim Kaine, a US Senator and former vice presidential candidate, is another example of a politician who flaunted his Catholic background but spewed a lot of pro-choice rhetoric,” Naumann said when asked about Catholic politicians who support abortion rights. “When they do this they’re taking on a teaching role and misleading our people.”

“When you have a Catholic politician out there who is pro-choice but does not say it is in accordance with his Catholic faith, it is less problematic,” Naumann added. “We still need to dialogue, but he’s not saying, ‘I’m Catholic and pro-choice and you can be Catholic and pro-choice, too.’”

Kaine, in his response, noted that the recent interview echoed criticisms Naumann had made during the campaign. “I was heartened, however, by a recent interview in which he acknowledged that ‘we have an obligation to dialogue’ with Catholic officials who hold my viewpoint,” Kaine wrote. “I am personally opposed to abortion yet support its legality. Archbishop Naumann is personally opposed to abortion and wants to make it illegal. This is an important area for thoughtful dialogue.”

In a remarkably personal passage, Kaine explained, “I am a practising Catholic and follow church teachings about the sanctity of life. In my personal life, that has meant long periods of abstinence, natural family planning, avoiding unwanted pregnancy, fidelity to my wife of 33 years, and welcoming the gift of three precious children….It has involved opening our life and even our home to those in need, including — on one occasion — a pregnant teenager who needed a place to stay before having a baby.”

Sometimes, Catholics who support women's reproductive rights get casually derided by church leaders as if being “personally pro-life” is just paying lip service to Catholic teachings,” Kaine added. “To the contrary, Catholics like me walk the walk and sacrifice to live our values every day.”

PICTURE: Senator Tim Kaine @PA

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