07 July 2015, The Tablet

Bishop tells diocese to go green in wake of Pope’s environmental plea

The Bishop of Brentwood has urged parishes to walking to Mass, eat less meat and use low-energy light bulbs in response to Pope Francis’ recent encyclical letter on the environment which urged people to transform their lifestyles to safeguard creation. 

Bishop Alan Williams on Saturday sent a message to all the parishes in Brentwood diocese to urge them to work towards achieving Cafod’s LiveSimply Award, a benchmark awarded by the Catholic charity for environmental and social activism.

"The LiveSimply Award is a practical way to respond to the papal imperative at parish level," he said.

To win the award, parishes must demonstrate nine ways in which it puts into practice the principles of showing solidarity with people in poverty; living simply and living sustainably.

Brentwood Cathedral attained the standard 18 months ago, and recently celebrated LiveSimply Week with activities such as a prayer vigil and a foodbank collection. Parishioners were also encouraged to walk to Mass and eat less meat; the parish buildings undertook an environmental audit and all the light bulbs in the cathedral were swapped for low energy bulbs.

Five other parishes in Brentwood are currently pursuing the award.

Above: Cathedral parish open-air Mass in Brentwood diocese. 

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