24 May 2024, The Tablet

Operation Noah wins award for divestment campaign

“Operation Noah’s dedication and vision have truly made a difference and we are grateful for your leadership in the fight against the climate crisis.”

Operation Noah wins award for divestment campaign

Operation Noah’s Bright Now Campaign has been named Campaign of the Year 2023 by the Sheila McKechnie Foundation. This recognises its longstanding campaign to bring UK churches to divest from fossil fuels and instead invest in climate solutions.

This ecumenical campaign has been running for almost a decade, over which time many Church bodies in the UK have moved their funds out of fossil fuels, encouraged by campaigning from Operation Noah supporters across the country. The Church of England decided to divest from fossil fuels at a national level last year.

Operation Noah said of the award: “This is a huge moment for us, and for the Christian climate change movement, and we want to thank everyone who has supported us in money, time and prayers.”

Dr Ruth Valerio, global advocacy and influencing director at Tearfund, presented the award to Operation Noah's chair of trustees, Revd Dr Darrell Hannah and Bright Now Campaign Director Clare Fussell.

She said: “Operation Noah's campaign has led to complete divestment from fossil fuels by the Church of England’s national investing bodies. That is over £10 billion directed away from fossil fuels. This historic milestone achieved in the summer of 2023 is a testament to the tireless efforts of Operation Noah’s Bright Now campaign and the unwavering commitment of individuals like the Revd Dr Darrell Hannah and his dedicated team.”  

She paid tribute to “the collective action of communities, the courage of individuals, and the power of faith to inspire change”, adding, “Operation Noah’s dedication and vision have truly made a difference and we are grateful for your leadership in the fight against the climate crisis.”

Operation Noah now wants to see those churches reinvest money into climate solutions. Campaign director Clare Fussell told The Tablet of “working with partners to facilitate and encourage investment into climate solutions, providing tools and materials for churches and faith institutions to take that investment journey, as part of their work to combat the climate crisis.”

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