01 August 2023, The Tablet

Catholic Union urges help for university students facing discrimination

Catholic Union urges help for university students facing discrimination

The Catholic Union is urging England’s first Director for Freedom of Speech and Academic Freedom at the Office for Students to help Catholics who experience discrimination in universities because of their faith.

Nigel Parker, the director of the Catholic Union of Great Britain has written to Professor Arif Ahmed, the government’s free speech champion. His role was specially created this year as part of the Higher Education (Freedom of Speech) Act.

Mr Parker informed the professor of the results of a survey conducted by the Catholic Union. This found that one in three Catholics is “disadvantaged” in the workplace due to their faith. Almost half of all respondents to the online survey confessed to feeling they could not openly talk about their faith with colleagues. Of the 220 respondents, it was those working in universities who highlighted their experience of discrimination.

One participant in the survey said: “I work at a university and public statements relating to my faith have been questioned in a threatening manner by my line manager.” A second participant observed: “People hold very negative stereotypical views of Catholics”.

Mr Parker has invited the Professor Ahmed to a meeting to discuss these concerns, with the Catholic Union, whose members seek to represent the views of the Catholic community in Britain and advance the common good.

Mr Parker said: “There is a long tradition of Catholic involvement in education in this country. As the Government looks to promote free speech in higher education, it would be good to discuss particular problems experienced by Catholic staff and students at universities today.”

He highlighted the fact that the Union did not seek “special treatment” for Catholics, but instead emphasised that “our objective is to see that existing laws which protect and promote freedom of religion or belief are properly understood and applied.”



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