20 October 2021, The Tablet

Faiths present COP26 petition to Downing Street

Faiths present COP26 petition to Downing Street

Faith leaders and charity representatives handed a COP26 petition to Downing Street

Representatives from five faiths have handed in a petition for the Prime Minister at Downing Street, telling Boris Johnson that he has “a unique position to lead the world in tackling the climate crisis” with the COP26 climate talks in Glasgow less than two weeks away. 

Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Buddhist and Hindu groups highlighted calls from more than 75,000 people across faith communities urging him to show leadership and step up on climate action in a way that is fair and just for those on the frontlines of the crisis. The five faith leaders handing in were Rt Rev Olivia Graham, Anglican Bishop of Reading; Senior Rabbi Jonathan Wittenberg, Masorti Judaism; Imam Emad Choudhury, Bahu Trust;  Avnish Thakrar, Hindu Climate Action and Olivia Fuchs, Eco Dharma Network.

The petition specifically called on the Prime Minister to keep the 1.5C warming limit agreement alive, to ensure rich countries meet commitments to meet and exceed $100bn in climate finance each year to countries hardest hit by the crisis, and to end further support for fossil fuels everywhere. The event was organised by CAFOD, SCIAF, Christian Aid, World Vision, Tearfund, A Rocha and Faith 4 Climate Justice.

These actions in the UK were part of Faiths 4 Climate Justice, a grassroots, multi-faith coalition of more than 350 faith-based actions in 30 countries. Over 200 senior faith leaders and 50 religious groups representing more than 50 million members have signed onto these demands and taken part in these actions.

Liam Finn, campaigns manager at Cafod, said: “The Prime Minister has to make sure the people living in communities on the frontlines of the crisis are put at the heart of COP26, rather than being treated as an afterthought by decision-makers, as Pope Francis warns is too often the case.”

Last weekend also saw faiths coming together in major cities across Britain calling for ambitious action at COP26, which starts in Glasgow on 31st October. “People of Faith for a Global Green New Deal” was a banner unfurled at Leeds Civic Centre, and “Make COP Count – Our Faith, Our Planet” at Methodist Central Hall in Manchester, where a prayer from Laudato Si’ was read out. A “No Cop Out” banner was unfurled and the bell rung at Iona Abbey in Scotland.

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