18 June 2020, The Tablet

Topic of the week: Disturbed by violence against statues


While I rejoice that Colston no longer stands, I’m disturbed at the means of his fall.

While Colston’s fall represents the rage at deep, long-standing racial injustice, his watery grave washes against a cherished principle of justice in democracies. This principle will serve BAME people, like myself. It is about using due process to achieve aims and goals, civic discussion and civil disobedience, but not violence – against people or property. The damage to “British” heroes has mobilised elements of the right to fight for “their” heritage. What happens when they carry out violence against people or property?

Might a powerful statue of a slave figure facing the Colston statue be far more unsettling and effective, properly representing the real world of continuing racism and slavery?

(Prof.) Gavin D’Costa
Department of Religion and Theology University of Bristol

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