28 March 2019, The Tablet

Topic of the week: Last bastion of outdated patriarchy


I wholeheartedly agree with Sir Edward Leigh MP, who stated in his letter to Pope Francis (News from Britain and Ireland, 23 March) that “root and branch reform” is needed in the Church to counter the “widespread disillusion” felt by many Catholics. Vatican II stated that the laity should become more involved in the running of the Church. I believe that lay participation with both men and women having equal authority with the hierarchy is necessary, if the Church is to have credibility with future generations.

The present scandals have not damaged my faith, but I worry for my grandchildren and their contemporaries. They are too young to understand what is going on now, but they will in the future. I was of the generation that had to struggle for equality for women; my granddaughter will never know anything but equality, so how is she going to accept that only men will make the decisions that will guide her spiritual and moral life?

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