22 May 2024, The Tablet

Balance is back

by Julian Coman

Much of the polarisation and bitterness coursing through our culture can be traced back to this loss

Balance is back

There are signs of a return of the repressed, and a CST-friendly idea of “balance” may be coming back into political fashion.
UK Parliament

Paradoxically, given the Church’s reputation for absolutism, Catholic Social Teaching is a vigorous defence of a politics of pluralism
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User Comments (1)

Comment by: Benh
Posted: 23/05/2024 21:39:19
Not until we have proportional representation will we have a politics that holds the complex society we live in with the proper multi faceted tension it needs. The 2 party system doesnt do this. It encourages a beligerant politics. P R will encourage dialogue and debate and because holds that diversity is good it will also encourage tolerance. A return to more a catholic social agenda will only be aided by P R. Catholic social thinking must catch up.