Tuesday 14 June 2022, 19.30 - 21.00 BST

PAST EVENT: Christian Unity – what is the goal?


Join our distinguished panel who will be discussing the goal and drivers of Christian Unity in the 21st century.

Tuesday 14 June 2022, 19.30 - 21.00 BST


Host for the event:
Fr Dominic Robinson - a Parish Priest, Farm Street Church; Director, Landings UK; Ecclesiastical Assistant, Aid to the Church in Need; Chair, Justice & Peace Commission, Diocese of Westminster.


Richard Bradbury leads Beverley Community Church in East Yorkshire, part of the Ground Level network of churches (New Church Network). 


Andy Pettman is the President of the European branch of the ecumenical movement of Christian Communities called the Sword of the Spirit. 


Rev’d Dr. Paul Goodliff recently retired from his role as General Secretary of Churches Together in England, and continues as a theological educator, liturgist, writer and pastoral supervisor.  

This event is brought to you in conjunction with The Society for Ecumenical Studies and will be recorded. Ticket holders can be sent, on request, a copy of the webinar to watch again at a time that suits them.